Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest
Read more here about the companies we have invested in.

Behandlingsstederne Langebjerggaard
Langebjerggaard offers housing, education, treatment and support for people with autism and other special needs.
Tolstrup Anlægsgartnere A/S
Tolstrup is a growth company that services green areas and provides winter service all over Denmark.
WaterCare ApS
WaterCare has a strong ESG profile specialising in products for improving the aquatic environment in the Danish fjords, streams and other recipients.
BM Silo ApS
BM Silo offers silos and transport equipment for storing and transporting dry materials to customers all over the world.
Auto Mobil ApS
Auto Mobil ApS sells, buys, rents out and specially furnishes disabled cars and disabled buses for both the private and public markets. In December 2024, the company was sold to AMHO ApS.
ProfilService A/S
ProfilService is a socially driven company and has a strong tradition of taking responsibility for people from the margins of the labour market, who are offered good conditions and a good working environment.