Investing in overlooked potentials
We believe that investments that contribute to a better and stronger society are good investments in more than one sense.

Investment Philosophy
Many companies and organizations are already participating or have the potential to solve people’s physical, mental and social challenges, create well-being, quality of life and opportunities, and in this way contribute to more people being able to participate in society.
They do this as workplaces and educational institutions – through their products and services and by creating development and growth for vulnerable people and areas.
We believe that this is fundamental for a strong and well-functioning society that can overcome the many different challenges the world is facing.
At the same time, there is great economic potential, both because society as a whole becomes richer and because contributions to the community make the individual organisation more valuable: Social contributions and social responsibility provide attractive workplaces, good reputations and strong customer relationships.
The market does not always see these potentials
Our specialty is therefore to find and develop investment areas where there are overlooked social and financial potentials, release them, and thereby make attractive investments that make a measurable, positive difference.
We are long-term investors who focus on investment areas that are underpinned by fundamental socio-economic structures and significant megatrends, always seeking to cut through noise and short-term fads.
We are active investors who concentrate on selected investments in areas where we understand both potential and risks.
Den Sociale Kapitalfond is led by a strong, interdisciplinary and value-based team that combines extensive experience with investments, business development and social responsibility.
We are the pioneers in our field.
We are driven by making a positive difference and demonstrating how social impact and financial success can go hand in hand. Our values and the ideas and goals that form the basis for the establishment of Den Sociale Kapitalfond are summarized in our manifesto:
Den Sociale Kapitalfond Management was established in 2011 by Lars Jannick Johansen in collaboration with TrygFonden on the basis of a simple idea that we are constantly building on.
Instead of making money from investments and then using them to finance social projects, we will invest in companies and organizations that solve social problems, grow them and help more people, and ensure a financial return on investment. It solves social problems in an economically sustainable way, and we can thus help more vulnerable people.
The background is social indignation.
The welfare society has contributed to helping historically many people to realise their potential and live a good and safe life. Nevertheless, far too many people remain insecure and vulnerable in society due to physical, mental and social problems. It harms the individual’s well-being, quality of life and opportunities in life – and weakens the community and cohesion in society as a whole.
We want to change that.
We believe that companies and organisations can make a greater direct contribution to solving social problems – e.g. as education and workplaces, as suppliers of products and services that help vulnerable people, and as a catalyst for the development of vulnerable areas.
Therefore, we develop and test new ways to help companies and organizations solve social problems in a way that can be combined with good business and made into a good investment. We disseminate the most successful methods on a commercial basis. In this way, we create a greater social impact as well as a financial return to finance new development activities.
We do not claim that all problems for vulnerable people can be solved by using the mechanisms of the market. But we believe that far more problems can be solved if we become better at making social and economic success go hand in hand. This is one of the keys to the Nordic welfare societies being able to help more people live a good life in the future – and our mission.
The values
As partners and employees of the Den Sociale Kapitalfond group, we are at the forefront of pursuing this mission. Our approach to work is characterised by:
- We want to develop new things – and find better, sustainable solutions to social problems
- We want to contribute to the community – and make a real difference on both an individual and societal level
- We want to last for the long term – and prioritize long-term effect over short-term gain
We are first and foremost driven by making a positive difference and showing how social and economic success can be linked in society, in companies and for individuals. The double bottom line is repeated in all our work and also applies to ourselves: All potential financial gains from social investments depend on us having put our hand on the stove and achieved both social and financial goals. We always seek to be orderly and committed in our work. We take responsibility and contribute individually, and collaborate across activities in a professional environment, where we seek to develop ourselves and each other for the benefit of our common mission.
We commit ourselves to, to the best of our ability, seek to realize the idea, mission and values as described in this manifesto. Any change to this requires the unanimity of the founders and partners.