Structure and governance
The activities of the Social Capital Fund are organised in a group structure.

The group is organized with the parent company Den Sociale Kapitalfond Management ApS, servicing the group and dedicated management companies for Invest and Effekt, respectively.
The original commercial foundation, established by TrygFonden, serves as a development and testing unit for new social investment solutions. It is a co-owner of the management company and a co-investor in the individual funds, which creates financial returns for new projects. Read more about the commercial foundation here
The association Invest for Impact Denmark has been developed by the foundation, but is today an independent unit with its own board and secretariat.
The individual investment funds have their own boards, advisory boards and general partners. The board of directors of the commercial foundation approves social pilot projects and acts as a strategic advisor for the entire group.
Ownership and governance
The management company is owned by partners, employees and the commercial foundation, Den Sociale Kapitalfond. The subsidiaries are 100% owned by the management company and are run on the basis of common values and a manifesto that ensures a focus on both social and economic impact.
Den Sociale Kapitalfond Management ApS has a board of directors with representatives of partners and employees. The annual report of Den Sociale Kapitalfond Management contains details of ownership, executive salaries and operating principles.
Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest Management ApS (CVR number 38 42 80 47) is registered by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority as a manager of alternative investment funds pursuant to section 9(1), cf. section 4(1) of the Act on Managers of Alternative Investment Funds (AIFM Act), etc. The company is only to a limited extent covered by the AIFM Act and thus does not have a depositary attached.
Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest I K/S (CVR number 38968815) has as general partner the general partner Komplementarselskabet for Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest I ApS (CVR number 38941585).
Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest II K/S (CVR number 44503239) has as General Partner Komplementarselskabet for Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest II ApS (CVR number 44492172)
Den Sociale Kapitalfond Effekt Management ApS (CVR number 41 35 67 31) is registered by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority as a manager of alternative investment funds pursuant to section 9(1), cf. section 4(1) of the Act on Managers of Alternative Investment Funds (AIFM Act) etc. The company is only to a limited extent covered by the AIFM Act and thus does not have a depositary attached.
Den Sociale Kapitalfond Effekt I K/S (CVR 42 42 79 69) has Den Sociale Kapitalfond Effekt ApS (CVR 42 41 51 89) as general partner.
Den Sociale Kapitalfond Effekt II K/S (CVR 44 40 44 19) has Den Sociale Kapitalfond Effekt II Komplementar ApS (CVR 44 78 56 25) as general partner.