The commercial foundation

The board of directors of the commercial foundation approves social pilot projects and acts as a strategic advisor for the entire group.

Den Sociale Kapitalfond (CVR number 34077924) is a commercial foundation with a non-profit purpose, established by TrygFonden. Den Sociale Kapitalfond is managed by a board of directors with Peter Engberg Jensen as chairman of the board. The Board of Directors is responsible for the Foundation’s activities and approves all of the Foundation’s investments and activities.

Den Sociale Kapitalfond has taken a position on the recommendations for good foundation management and, based on the assessment of the Board of Directors, follows these in all significant matters. The Foundation has prepared a statutory report on good foundation management in a form form.

Den Sociale Kapitalfond Management ApS (CVR number 33874529) administers Den Sociale Kapitalfond and its activities for the Board of Directors. The management team is led by an executive board and a board of directors. The management company was established by Lars Jannick Johansen and is owned by the founder, partners and employees. The management company is not-for-profit and is run according to socio-economic principles.

Members of the Board of Directors

Peter Engberg Jensen
Katina Greve Leiner
Board member
Ulrik Andersson
Board member
Jesper Højberg Christensen
Board member
Morten Højberg
Board member
Anne Skovgaard
Board member
Kristian Weise
Board member

Investment and distribution policy

As a commercial foundation with a non-profit purpose, Den Sociale Kapitalfond has a grant policy that follows from the foundation’s purpose of financing companies with a focus on social purposes that create better opportunities for society’s vulnerable.

In the Foundation’s investments in collaboration with TrygFonden, the financing takes the form of loans, including convertible and subordinated loans, as well as equity investments in selected social enterprises and foundations.

Read more about this in our annual report and report on good foundation governance at the bottom of the page.
