Den Sociale Kapitalfond Effekt II is a reality

9. July 2024

In our Effekt Fund, we obtain a three-digit million investment for our Fund II from a number of large investors, including PKA, Lind Foundation, Lauritzen Fonden, Sparekassen Sjælland-Fyn and EIFO.

Our social impact investments help vulnerable citizens in Denmark, increase their quality of life, and create a financial return for our investors.

The goal of Fund II is to improve the quality of life for 4,000 people in Denmark and create public savings of one billion kroner.

See press release here


Want to hear more about your options?

Pernille Ohlsen
Administrative Officer
+45 2620 9694
Oanh Thi Duong
Senior Associate
+45 3050 6922

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