Den Sociale Kapitalfond behind new national council for impact investments

9. February 2024

Invest for Impact Denmark is a new national council and community for Danish impact actors. The purpose is to promote impact investments that create positive, measurable societal effects in combination with financial returns.

Impact investments in welfare areas and the environment have great potential to contribute to a stronger and more sustainable welfare society. This is shown, among other things. Den Sociale Kapitalfond’s experience over many years. But impact investments must be scaled up and faster, especially in the welfare area, which is underdeveloped in relation to green impact investments.

This is the background for “Invest for Impact Denmark – the Council for the Promotion of Impact Investments in Denmark”.

Among other things, the Council will work to strengthen support, improve framework conditions and increase financial interest in investments in the welfare area, just as it is already doing in the energy and climate areas as well as abroad. By bringing together actors and stakeholders, conducting analyses, retrieving and sharing knowledge from Denmark and abroad, disseminating guidelines and standards, the council will work to increase social impact investments on a larger scale and pave the way for more actors to invest more and more broadly to achieve both social and economic returns.

Invest for Impact Denmark is established as an independent non-profit association with its own board and secretariat. Den Sociale Kapitalfond is the initiator and has established the association together with TrygFonden, Sparekassen Sjælland-Fyn, Landsbyggefonden and the Confederation of Danish Industry, all of which are members of the association’s board.

At Den Sociale Kapitalfond, we are very pleased that we have now succeeded in establishing the Council in collaboration with strong actors from the impact area, as a new, important contribution to developing and scaling social impact investments – and thereby strengthening cohesion and sustainability in our welfare society.

Read more in the press release to the right.

Read more about the Council and membership on the website

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Den Sociale Kapitalfond behind new national council for impact investments