Market, environment and people
The expectation for the Gazelle 2019 company Refurb has not changed with the expansion of the circle of owners. The company has three purposes, which together are expressed in the vision of becoming the Nordic region’s leading business in the acquisition, refurbishment and sale of recycled IT by offering a better alternative to new IT. In this way, the business makes a solid effort for a better environment and is supported by a strong social profile, where creating an inclusive workplace is absolutely essential for the development of the business.
“Refurb is a gazelle company in an interesting industry. They are a frontrunner in the circular economy and have shown impressive growth rates. At the same time, they have a skilled management team that has demonstrated how an inclusive and diverse workplace can create high growth. We are very much looking forward to working together to take the company to the next level,” says Lars Jannick Johansen, Managing Partner at Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest.
Refurb is a gazelle company in an interesting industry. They are a frontrunner in the circular economy and have shown impressive growth rates.
Lars Jannick Johansen, Managing Partner at Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest.
Expectations for the future
There is a strong focus on the environment, recycling and social responsibility. At the same time, our world is becoming increasingly digitalized. By combining this in one and the same business, Refurb has found the key to success. A success that the company expects to continue in the future, both in Denmark and abroad.
“I have great expectations for Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest’s involvement in Refurb. The combination of investment and social responsibility is a really good match with the business we are and continue to want to be. The partnership will give Refurb more muscle and new competencies on the board, and it will strengthen the company’s ability for continued growth,” Ulrik Hjul Andersen, Chairman of the Board and founder of Refurb back in 2008.
assesses Ulrik Hjul Andersen, who is the Chairman of the Board and founder of Refurb back in 2008.
Ulrik Hjul Andersen, Chairman of the Board and founder of Refurb
In August 2019, Jakob Pedersen Kokfelt took over as the new CEO of Refurb. That change, like the current expansion of the circle of owners, has been planned for a long time.
“My mission is to build a financially sound and sustainable business and at the same time make a difference socially and for the environment. I am personally passionate about that. Therefore, it is also with great satisfaction that we now have a partner on board who understands this distinction. We already have good experience of involving employees with special needs and skills in the company, including several specialists with autism diagnoses. We look forward to doing this even more in the future,” says CEO Jakob Pedersen Kokfelt.
The founders have sold part of their ownership to Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest, just as the minority investor Gl. Tved Holding has sold part of their share of the company. At the same time, CEO Jakob Kokfelt will now become a co-owner.
The parties agree not to disclose the transaction price.