Den Sociale Kapitalfond raises a record fund of DKK 670 million

27. December 2024

Den Sociale Kapitalfond raises DKK 670 million for its new fund, Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest II, which invests in companies with the signficant social impact potential. The fund exceeds both the original target of DKK 400-500 million and has had its so-called hardcap of DKK 600 million expanded – and hits a final size of DKK 670 million.

The aim is to unite social responsibility and economic growth, and with the launch of Invest II, Den Sociale Kapitalfond ensures that even more people in vulnerable positions have access to the labour market and communities. “This is a milestone for Den Sociale Kapitalfond and a strong signal that social investments are really gaining ground among professional investors. It shows that you want to combine attractive returns with positive social change,” says Lars Jannick Johansen, Managing Partner and Founder of Den Sociale Kapitalfond.

With Invest II, Den Sociale Kapitalfond will reach total assets of DKK 1.2 billion in its current funds. The fund attracts a number of new, professional investors, such as: Norlys, Nordea-fonden and Velliv Foreningen, while existing partners such as the European Investment Fund, Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker, the Novo Nordisk Foundation and TryghedsGruppen continue their engagement.

Growing interest in social impact investments
Lars Jannick Johansen sees the fund’s growth as a sign of the growing interest in social impact investments:
“Investors are looking for solutions that combine attractive returns with concrete, measurable social impacts. With Invest II, we continue our mission to invest in companies that contribute to lifting people from marginalisation to active participation in the labour market and communities,” he explains.

Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest II focuses on small and medium-sized Scandinavian companies that combine good growth opportunities with the potential to create jobs and opportunities for people in vulnerable positions. According to Den Sociale Kapitalfond’s latest impact report for 2023, 22.5% of employees in the fund’s existing portfolio companies have been on the edge of the labour market – far above the average for Danish companies.

Social impact investing is gaining momentum
” Social investments are gaining momentum because they directly affect people and have a clear impact. For investors, it is about creating opportunities that make a noticeable difference for people who live in vulnerability. We see a tendency for investors to seek financial returns, but at the same time want to contribute to societal changes that help people from marginalisation to active participation in the labour market,” says Jeannette Fangel Løgstrup, ESG expert and one of the fund’s Senior Advisors.



Lars Jannick Johansen
Founder and Managing Partner
+45 2961 6892

Den Sociale Kapitalfond raises a record fund of DKK 670 million

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