Holbæk Municipality wants to strengthen their efforts targeted at people in homelessness. This will be done through a reorganisation of the overall efforts against homelessness, so that it will be done now and in the future via a Housing First approach. In Housing First, it is seen as a basic human right to have a home. The home is seen as a prerequisite for changing the citizen’s life situation together with the citizen. With the Housing First approach, municipalities can reduce homelessness significantly. Coupled with individually adapted support, Danish experience shows that 80% of the people who receive a Housing First intervention are in the home after three years, while the rest need another solution. In order to accelerate the restructuring and generally offer people in homelessness an effective and well-functioning effort, Holbæk Municipality, Trancit and Den Sociale Kapitalfond have entered into a partnership.
The partnership contains several elements that will reduce the number of homeless people in Holbæk Municipality. These include:
- A Housing First initiative for at least 18 homeless people, which is handled by Trancit, which specializes in delivering Housing First initiatives in the municipalities.
- A housing initiative that aims to identify a number of suitable and permanent housing for other people experiencing homelessness in the municipality.
- A common competence and development track that will spread the understanding of housing first widely in the municipality, including strengthening the competencies to carry out a housing first effort among all relevant employees in the municipality based on concrete experiences from the project.