Refurb A/S

Refurb A/S

Refurb buys used IT equipment from both public and private companies, refurbishes and upgrades it with the latest software before selling it on to both private consumers, companies and the public sector. Refurb A/S was sold to Egiss Group in June 2022.
Excerpt from annual report (DKK thousand) 201920202021
Profit before tax1.979 6862.260
Profit after tax 1.540 5201.760
Equity 5.401 5.921 7.681
Balance sheet22.31022.803 29.210

Around 80 percent of the CO2 emissions related to IT products such as computers, tablets and smartphones come from the actual production of the equipment. By buying used IT equipment, deleting data and enabling it to be sold again as recycled IT equipment, Refurb helps to save large amounts of CO2. Refurb A/S was sold to Egiss Group in June 2022.

Refurb was established in 2008 and has since experienced good growth in both revenue and the number of employees. Refurb is one of three companies in the Nordic region that are authorized to use Microsoft on used equipment.

The management of Refurb believes that everyone has abilities and therefore a place in the labor market. Therefore, there is room for both employees in ordinary and in special positions at Refurb. In 2022, the company had around 55 employees, of which approximately 25 percent are in special positions, with special skills or on their way away from the edge of the labour market.

The social model

Socially inclusive company: Socially responsible company with a focus on employing people with special skills and needs.

Year of investment:
Acquisition, refurbishment and sale of IT equipment
Sustainable Development Goals:

8. Decent jobs and economic growth

12. Responsible consumption and production

13. Climate Action

17. Partnerships for action

Fund I



Torben Agerup
+45 2421 2621
Lars Jannick Johansen
Founder and Managing Partner
+45 2961 6892