Behandlingsstederne Langebjerggaard offer specialised housing, education and support for children, young people and adults with special needs. The focus is on professionalism, care and development. With expertise in autism and special needs, Langebjerggaard offers targeted courses, including treatment and special education, STU, sheltered employment and support in one’s own home, as well as specialized housing for more children, young people and adults in vulnerable positions. Langebjerggaard was established by Heidi Nørager and Jesper Svare in 2018 and has over the course of a few years built a solid foundation for the company, which makes it possible to offer more support for the benefit of more people.
The social model
Social products and services: Langebjerggaard’s ambition is first and foremost to provide interventions of the highest professional quality that can ensure and develop the quality of life of the children, young people and adults who need special support and professional help. In addition, the company hires people from the margins of the labor market.