New investment in company that ensures mobility for people with disabilities

26. March 2021

With capital injection from Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest , Auto Mobil Aps in Greve will be nationwide, just as work will be done towards a green car fleet and mobility for everyone with disabilities.

Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest a capital injection, Invest has achieved an ownership stake of almost 40 percent in the company Auto Mobil, which sells, buys, rents out and custom-equips disabled cars and buses for both the private and public markets.

Auto Mobil was established in 2015 by CEO Michael Noer. At the same time as Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest’s entry into the circle of owners, Chairman of the Board Carsten Abel and the company’s sales manager Casper Nordahl-Meyer will also own smaller shares, while Michael Noer will retain almost 60 percent of the company.

Everyone has the right to mobility

Michael Noer has a long track record as a consultant and sales manager at Motorbyen Specialbusser and Handicare Auto, and it is his experience from there that drove him to start Auto Mobil with the vision of ensuring mobility for all people with disabilities:

“As the rules are today, it is only if you have a permanent, physical or mental disability, which greatly impairs the ability to move around, as well as a daily driving need that is assessed large enough that you can apply to your municipality for support for a car as well as subsidies for the interior design of the car,” says Michael Noer.

This means that many people with a non-permanent injury – but who may be confined to a wheelchair for many months – do not have the opportunity to move to and from work, to and from shopping or to have contact with their family. People with disabilities who are not in work or education also find it very difficult to get support for a disabled car, as it is often assessed that their daily driving needs are not large enough to be granted a disabled car.

“It can be a big challenge, and that was the reason why I started Auto Mobil, where we offer flexible solutions so that everyone who has limited mobility has access to a car that suits their needs, with rental arrangements from a single day to longer periods, for example,” says Michael Noer.

With Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest on board, there are new goals in the pipeline:

“We will focus on becoming nationwide and thus serving people throughout Denmark, just as we will have a solid financial and sparring foundation to develop more new services for our customers,” says Noer.

Impressive growth rates and social impact

“Auto Mobil is an exciting growth company that provides access to mobility for an increasing number of people with mobility disabilities. At the same time, the company has impressive growth rates and a very promising growth journey ahead of it, because it has a multi-channel approach that combines different rental, buy, and sales options, so that people with disabilities in different situations have optimal access to mobility,” says Managing Partner, Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest, Lars Jannick Johansen.

Green ambition

Another ambition for both Michael Noer and the Social Capital Fund Invest is the development of a green profile with a car fleet that in the long term consists to a much greater extent of hybrid and electric cars. Already today, Auto Mobil has what is probably Europe’s first electric rental car for people with disabilities.

“One part of the investment is to promote the green transition also in the area of disabled cars – with the goal of increasing sales of electric and hybrid cars, an area that is otherwise very little focused on in the area of disabled cars,” says Lars Jannick Johansen.

About Auto Mobil

  • Auto Mobil offers sales, rental and conversion of cars and buses for people with disabilities.
  • Auto Mobil’s customer segment is primarily private individuals with disabilities, professionals who offer disabled driving, institutions, car dealers and municipalities.
  • Auto Mobil had a gross profit of DKK 5.7 million in the last financial year.
  • Auto Mobil creates jobs for people with either mental, physical or social challenges, and today three out of Auto Mobil’s 15 employees belong to this category.
  • Auto Mobil has been part of the accelerator program Impact StartUp, offered by Den Sociale Kapitalfond, which is aimed at startups that have both a financial and social aim.

Auto Mobil adheres to the UN Global Compact principles and contributes in particular to SDGs 3, 8 and 10.

Go to Auto



Torben Agerup
+45 2421 2621
Lars Jannick Johansen
Founder and Managing Partner
+45 2961 6892

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