The treatment centres Langebjerggaard were established by Heidi Nørager and Jesper Svara in 2018 with a desire to create better development opportunities and quality of life for some of the most vulnerable children, young people and adults in society. The company currently has around 100 employees who work with people who, due to significantly reduced physical or mental functional abilities or special social problems, need support. In just a few years, the company has built a solid foundation, which has made it possible to offer more support to more vulnerable children, young people and adults. At the same time, Langebjerggaard has created new opportunities for people from the margins of the labour market. All due to strong management, professional employees and a focus on quality, close dialogue with municipalities, families and other partners as well as a good and responsible working environment.
Great potential in being able to do more for more of the most vulnerable people in society
Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest sees a socially important potential in the treatment centres Langebjerggaard, says managing partner Lars Jannick Johansen:
The need for professional, targeted support for the most vulnerable people with complex social challenges is increasing. There is a need for actors such as the treatment centres Langebjerggaard, who can contribute to and support the efforts that the public sector delivers in the specialised social area. The ambition is for the treatment centres Langebjerggaard to become the best possible partner for the municipalities in their part of the specialised social area through high professional quality and specialisation, focus on effect and transparency in efforts and price and, not least, with a very talented management team at the head of the competent, committed employees. Therefore, we are very much looking forward to working with Heidi and Jesper to continue the development of Langebjerggaard.
Lars Jannick Johansen
Desire for a partner who focuses on social impact
For Heidi and Jesper, the collaboration with Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest provides new opportunities to lift Langebjerggaard to the next level in its development:
The treatment centres Langebjerggaard focus on providing quality education as well as housing support and housing that gives vulnerable children, young people and adults the opportunity to develop in the best possible way – with competent employees in an organisation that is run with social responsibility in mind. We believe that Langebjerggaard has the potential to help far more vulnerable people, and our assessment is that if that potential is to be realized, we are in a much stronger position with a new, experienced partner on board, who can ensure the right professional sparring – of course with respect for Langebjerggaard’s values and approach. We are very much looking forward to the collaboration.
Heidi Nørager and Jesper Svara in a joint statement
In connection with the transaction, Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest has acquired a significant minority stake in Langebjerggaard. Heidi and Jesper will continue as majority owners and directors of the company. In addition, there will be the opportunity for senior employees in Langebjerggaard to become co-owners of the company in the future. The parties agree not to disclose the transaction price. About Langebjerggaard ApS:
The treatment centers Langebjerggaard
Further information:
- Maria Heickendorff, Investment Director, Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest,, tel. 2227 2856
- Lars Jannick Johansen, Managing Partner, Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest,, tel. 2961 6892
- Jesper Svare, CEO, Langebjerggaard ApS,, tel. 2164 1336