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27. December 2024

Den Sociale Kapitalfond raises a record fund of DKK 670 million

Den Sociale Kapitalfond raises DKK 670 million for its new fund, Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest II, which invests in companies with the signficant social impact potential. The fund exceeds both the original target of DKK 400-500 million and has had its so-called hardcap of DKK 600 million expanded – and hits a final size of DKK 670 million.

20. December 2024

Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest has sold its stake in Auto Mobil

In March 2021, Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest became co-owner of Auto Mobil, which works to ensure mobility for everyone with a permanent or temporary disability through renting, selling or furnishing cars that suit the individual's needs.

9. July 2024

Den Sociale Kapitalfond Effekt II is a reality

In our Effekt Fund, we obtain a three-digit million investment for our Fund II from a number of large investors, including PKA, Lind Foundation, Lauritzen Fonden, Sparekassen Sjælland-Fyn and EIFO.

14. May 2024

Social Impact & ESG Report 2023

Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest has now published the fund's Social Impact & ESG Report 2023.

9. February 2024

Den Sociale Kapitalfond behind new national council for impact investments

Invest for Impact Denmark is a new national council and community for Danish impact actors. The purpose is to promote impact investments that create positive, measurable societal effects in combination with financial returns.

18. December 2023

Danpal sold to Vestjysk Træemballage with Norwegian Daimyo behind it

Danpal has been sold to Vestjysk Træemballage, which is in the process of developing a Nordic group in wood packaging with the backing of the Norwegian investment company Daimyo.

