Social impact investment to ensure a sustainable return to the labour market for citizens on sick leave

19. September 2022

New collaboration will build bridges between sickness benefit efforts and employment-oriented efforts

A new partnership has been entered into between Hillerød Municipality, Marselisborg and Den Sociale Kapitalfond Effekt with a common goal of developing the sickness benefits area. Den Sociale Kapitalfond Effekt finances the effort, which is carried out by Marselisborg for Hillerød Municipality.

Citizens on sick leave must receive the right support and help

More than 20,000 citizens on sick leave are currently in the process of a job clarification process – a doubling in just four years. Only about 25% of the citizens who are referred for a job clarification course are employed three months after the end of a course, and many quickly lose their jobs again. Therefore, it is necessary that citizens on sick leave receive the right help.

Focus on the long-term relationship

There can be great uncertainty and insecurity associated with having to return to a job, or be an active job seeker again after a long period of illness. Many lose faith in their own abilities and become unsure whether they can risk getting sick again because of the job. Therefore, all citizens are assigned a permanent job coach for two years, who will help them all the way back to their current job, or into a new job that can accommodate their consideration for the environment. Should situations subsequently arise where the citizen needs support and guidance, the job coach will be available throughout the period. The goal is to support and retain the citizen in employment.

Interdisciplinary efforts

Marselisborg specializes in development processes in the public sector and has completed over 100,000 citizen courses. Their interdisciplinary and holistic efforts must support the citizen in a sustainable return to the labour market.

Competence enhancement

In addition to the interdisciplinary employment-oriented efforts, Marselisborg will concurrently implement a learning track that will upgrade and raise the skills of the current employees at Hillerød Job Center. The competence boost will strengthen employees to handle their current and future sickness benefits efforts even better, which should benefit both citizens and employees.

Payment based on effect and not effort

The new collaboration is based on a social impact investment. Specifically, a social impact investment is a partnership between a municipality, a supplier and an investor who enter into an agreement to solve a challenge in society. It works in such a way that Den Sociale Kapitalfond Effekt invests in the employment efforts that are handled by Marselisborg. Marselisborg is implementing the initiative for 100 citizens on sickness benefits and 50 citizens in job clarification processes in Hillerød Municipality with the goal of making citizens self-supporting. Hillerød Municipality and Marselisborg have an internal performance contract, where Hillerød Municipality pays solely on the basis of the effect achieved.

At Den Sociale Kapitalfond , we continuously develop our method based on the experience we gain. You are always welcome to contact us if you want to hear about our experiences, or have an idea for a social impact investment.



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