Watch film from Folkemøde

21. June 2022

Watch our film from the People's Festival, where you can hear Nina Smith talk about social impact investments as an instrument to solve some of the welfare challenges and Rolf Kjærgaard about the potential of impact investments.

Ten wild impact trends

Will social bonds come on the blockchain? Will Lolland-Falster be Denmark’s first island of responsibility? Will impact investors be hung out to dry like greenwashers, and will we see CEOs of listed Danish companies resign, for the same reason? These are some of the trends and predictions that Lars Jannick Johansen, Managing Partner of Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest, and Helle Øbo, CEO of Askovfonden, debated at an entertaining evening event at the People’s Festival 2022. The audience, who were equipped with a cold beer, must or breezer, also participated in the debate and came up with many good suggestions for future impact trends. In the video, you can hear the panel talk about which predictions, trends they believe in the most and which they think society needs the most.


Impact investments as future-proofing of welfare

Can impact investments help future-proof welfare? Can you make money on social impact investments, and can you? What challenges and opportunities do impact investments to strengthen welfare in the future bring? In the video, you can hear Rolf Kjærgaard, CEO of the Danish Growth Fund, talk about how they in the Danish Growth Fund see impact investments as a tool to solve the challenges – and hear Lars Jannick Johansen, managing partner of Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest, tell what particularly impressed him in the debate.


How can social impact investments help lift welfare?

242,000 citizens are outside the labour market, and 7% of a youth cohort has neither a job nor an education. These are some of the complex challenges that mean that we need to think differently about welfare and also what the panel discussed in the debate held together with the Social Investment Fund. In the video, you can hear two of the panelists, Chairman of the Reform Commission Nina Smith and Managing Partner of Den Sociale Kapitalfond Effekt Tharben Buchholz, talk about social impact investments and their potential to get people on the edge of the labour market back into jobs.



Den Sociale Kapitalfond raises a record fund of DKK 670 million

Den Sociale Kapitalfond Effekt II is a reality

Den Sociale Kapitalfond behind new national council for impact investments